Thursday, July 8, 2010

the end is near!

well this pregnancy is finally coming to an end! I had my doctors appointment yesterday (wednesday) afternoon and i got greattttt news! I will be induced monday! :) so our princess will be here either monday or tuesday! I am sooooo excited! Sunday is my due date, so i have waited 10 loooonnngggggg months for this to come! Yayyyy :) my dad and brother are coming in on saturday for a week, yayyy! And my best friend, amanda, will be here next friday for a few days!:) hopefully jerimeys parents will be able to come soon! We can not wait to finally have our family together! :)


  1. Oh my goodness, I'm so happy for you! I hope everything went well and I want to see pictures as soon as you get a chance! Which I'm sure will be later rather than sooner so I'll be patient! :)
    Love you!
    Caitlin M

  2. Erin! I can't wait to see another post with some pictures of your beautiful little one! I love you hunny! Congratulations and good job on one gorgeous daughter!


  3. Congrats girl. I'm so happy for yal. I can't wait to see her. Love You and Miss You
