Thursday, July 8, 2010

the end is near!

well this pregnancy is finally coming to an end! I had my doctors appointment yesterday (wednesday) afternoon and i got greattttt news! I will be induced monday! :) so our princess will be here either monday or tuesday! I am sooooo excited! Sunday is my due date, so i have waited 10 loooonnngggggg months for this to come! Yayyyy :) my dad and brother are coming in on saturday for a week, yayyy! And my best friend, amanda, will be here next friday for a few days!:) hopefully jerimeys parents will be able to come soon! We can not wait to finally have our family together! :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

its the beginning of a long journey!

well we are officially 9 days away from my due date and well this morning we had our first visit to the hospital! Right after Jerimey left for work my back started to kill me, and then came the awful contractions! So i called and told him i thought he needed to come home, so he did.. And we made our way to the hospital. We got there and i got hooked up to a million different things, i felt like a robot!

I am 1.5cm dialated, butttt i am not progressing fast enough so they didnt want to keep me in the hospital for forever. So she could be coming verrrrryyyy soon! Cross your fingers :)